For product inquiries, please contact us via::

0-800-15-88888 (toll free)
0-800-13-60360 (toll free)
0-800-15-88888 (toll free)
0-800-13-60360 (toll free)
0-800-13-60360 (toll free)



What is Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia?
Danone Specialized Nutrition or Danone SN is a business unit of the Danone Group in Indonesia that focuses on providing nutrition at every important stage of life. We have been present in Indonesia since 1954 to serve the fulfillment of nutrition and nutrition for the Indonesian people.
What are the companies that are members of Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia?
There are 3 companies that are members of the Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia business category, namely PT Sarihusada Generasi Mahardhika, PT Nutricia Indonesia Sejahtera, PT Nutricia Advanced Medical Nutrition.
What are the products from Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia?
As a company that is committed to providing nutrition at every important stage of life, we are present in several of our heritage brands such as SGM Eksplor, SGM Bunda, Lactamil, Nutrilon Royal, Bebelac, Bebelac Gold.
What is One Planet One Health? And what is the impact on Danone SN Indonesia as a company?
One Planet One Health is a corporate vision where we believe there is continuity between health and the environment. This vision is also in line with our mission of bringing health through food to as many people as possible. We are committed to making a positive impact on public health and the environment, through our products and business operations, as well as all the initiatives we undertake.
Where are the Danone Specialized Nutrition Indonesia factories located?
Danone Specialized Nutrition produces its products in 4 factories spread across several cities in Indonesia such as Yogyakarta, Prambanan, Sentul and Ciracas.
I want to file a complaint regarding the product I purchased, how do I do it?
Dear Sir or Madam, please contact our call center at AQUA Menyapa at 0800-15-88888 (toll-free).
If I want to subscribe to AQUA, what are the requirements and how?
Ladies and gentlemen, please contact our call center at AQUA Greetings at 0800-15-88888 (toll-free).
How long are AQUA products declared safe for consumption?
The feasibility period for AQUA consumption is 2 years from the start of production. The date of production can be seen on each AQUA package.   The existence of this consumption feasibility period is not because AQUA contains chemicals or other mixtures, but for the feasibility of the packaging and also to avoid the possibility of quality degradation due to improper handling and storage of the product.   If you find a product that has passed the deadline for consumption, you can report it to the AQUA team through the AQUA Greet service at 0800-15-88888 (toll-free).
How to distinguish genuine and fake AQUA products?
AQUA selalu berkomitmen untuk mencegah pemalsuan produk dengan mengadakan pengecekan secara rutin untuk produk kami yang beredar di pasaran. Untuk mencegah pengkonsumsian produk palsu, pastikan bahwa Anda membeli produk AQUA dari agen atau pedagang resmi AQUA.   Selain itu, jika Anda ingin memastikan produk AQUA yang dibeli adalah asli maka Anda bisa melihat dari beberapa hal berikut:   Ciri AQUA Botol Asli :
  1. Botol kemasan yang dibeli dalam keadaan bersih. Label botol dalam keadaan lengkap, tidak robek dan kotor
  2. Cetakan tanggal kadaluarsa dalam keadaan sempurna, terbaca jelas dan produk tidak kadaluarsa.
  3. Tanggal kadaluarsa dan kode produksi di tutup botol dan badan botol sama
  4. Air didalamnya tampak bening dan tidak berbusa.
  5. Tutup botolnya / cap-nya dalam keadaan bersih, tertutup rapat dan tidak ada penghubung (bridge) yang terputus antara tutup botol bagian atas dengan bagian bawahnya
  6. Pada saat anda membuka tutup botol, terdengar bunyi 'KREEK' dari tutupnya. Itu tandanya tutup botol sebelumnya dalam keadaan baru
  7. Setelah dibuka, air AQUA  tidak  mengeluarkan aroma apapun
  Ciri AQUA Galon Asli :
  1. Tutupnya berwarna kombinasi biru dan putih, pada bagian permukaan tutup galon terdapat tulisan berlogo Danone AQUA dan lambang AQUA QUALITY COMMITMENT.Pada bagian samping dari tutup galon terdapat model droplet (tetes air) yang digunakan sebagai alur pembuka. Pada saat membuka tutup galon, alur pembuka tutup dalam keadaan tidak seperti sudah dibuka.
  2. Terdapat tanggal kadaluarsa dan kode produksi dengan cetak laser di tutup galon serta cetak tinta di badan galon
  3. Pada bagian badan galon terdapat tulisan AQUA timbul.
  4. Di tengah badan galon terdapat label yang berlogo Danone AQUA
  5. Ukurannya 19 Liter
  6. Air didalamnya tampak bening dan tidak berbusa.
  7. Setelah dibuka, air AQUA  tidak  mengeluarkan aroma apapun.
  8. Saat dicicipi, air AQUA berasa segar dan tidak memberikan rasa keset.
  Jika Bapak/Ibu masih membutuhkan informasi mengenai produk AQUA, dapat menghubungi  layanan AQUA Menyapa dengan nomor 0800-15-88888 (bebas pulsa).
How many kinds of AQUA products are there and how do you tell them apart?
AQUA products can be distinguished based on the size of the packaging, namely: Cup packaging: 240mL Plastic bottle packaging: 330mL, 600mL, 750 ml and 1500mL Glass bottle packaging: 380mL Gallon packaging: 19 liters.